Social intervention project „Light Within Dark“
Vilnius Academy of Arts
Supervisor: Marius Žalneravičius
“Light Within Dark” is a social intervention project, aiming to encourage critical thinking and the ability to observe situations from different perspectives, finding some light in the darkness. In the contemporary world, marked by the rapid speed of life and easily accessible information, news portals on the internet become the main source of news. But the abundance of negative headlines provokes anxiety, anger and despair. “Light Within Dark” targets the “sleeping” districts of Vilnius, more specifically – their billboards. Through the means of visual communication – bright posters and other informational materials – positive arguments are presented alongside negative headlines, countering their hopeless messages. This strategy addresses the dwellers’ exhaustion from monotony and negativity, revealing the possibility of different thinking and channelling the message: good news is out there – all you need is a different point of view.