Vilnius Academy of Arts
Prof. Danguolė Brogienė
The main problem of my work – in current times evidently grown consumptions and every individual’s growing addiction to various social world sphere, especially fashion. Solution – worn men’s clothing re sowing into new construction clothing, based on “Remake fashion” idea. To describe this problem, inspired by Belgian surrealist Rene Magritte work “Gigantic Days” details, I wrote this family life situation: a woman living together with her husband, hurt and furious at the behaviour of her life partner, gets rid of her rage via creation – the object of the creativity becomes new construction women’s clothing, resown from the best suits and shirts of her husband. It is an experimental-artistic women’s clothing collection, based on “Remake fashion” concept, where the main purpose of the work – for the classical worn men’s clothing (jacket, pants and shirts) to be given a continued life in the women’s wardrobe.
Instead of new fabrics, bought at the fabric stores, I chose another, ecological, mode – worn clothing, in my case – men’s suits and shirts, re-making into women’s models. Jackets, pants and shirts from various fabrics found in the second-hand shops, in various combinations allowed to create interesting uniquely patterned and unexpected form wearable clothing ensembles. In the models of the collection there are clearly recognizable classical jacket’s detail hints in unexpected places – jacket’s lapel moved to the back, emphasized collar line in the pants, lowered shoulder line at the chest or below the waist, etc. This women’s clothing collection is intended for an intellectual woman, searching for only to her specific exceptional self-expression.