Vilnius Academy of Arts
Assoc. prof. Renata Maldutienė
‘Travelling Details’ is a collection of six items of womenswear. When a phenomenon of mass-production (i.e. industry based on the production model of manufacturing in a run of many copies as quickly as possible) has spread throughout the world, the impersonal products released in million copies cause the problem of authenticity. This is also the reason of this collection. Today cultural and spiritual values are changing; cultures are getting mixed up. While creating a garment, the author refers to the characteristics of globalisation: movement, development, generality. She associates a garment with a separate world that has its peculiar components and structure. Anželika Andrijevskaja applies the details of traditional costume (pockets with frame, surround and a side-pocket of trousers). They are transferred into unconventional places (for example, on the surface of a garment), enlarged and thus they become separate models; the principles of technology of composition are transferred into construction.
Photos by Kristina Sinkevičiūtė