Vilnius Academy of Arts
Lect. Marius Žalneravičius
How does Lithuania look in the year 2013 and how did it change from 1989?
The conception of state, according to Austrian law theoretician Georg Jellinek (1851–1911), cannot manage without four main and irreplaceable components: citizens, authority, sovereignty and territory. In the project “That boundary Lithuania: the conception of state” these components are transformed into different visual expressions: drawn characters, illustrated political monologues, uncensored emigrant stories right from overseas England and Lithuanian interior, exterior, fashion, style, environment pictures. Soviet Lithuanian reflections in the eyes of a young, contemporary man in the background of today. A little bit ironically presented everyday life trifles, constantly happening around, unfortunately, not always noticeable by the always rushing 21st century man.
Characters, passing by every day, the same market sellers offering great discounts for all buyers, politicians, nation’s chosen ones, raising the minimum wage every year, emigrant stories which might not be heard for all and had been secretly collected in a journalistic investigation in a fabric liked by Lithuanian workers in Kings Lynne, England, and sights, surrounding from morning till evening, carefully noted with a soviet film photo-camera in Lithuanian cities and villages over vacations, at work, on the weekends and public holidays.
Exploited contemporary man’s relation with the past, his approach to the state, own place in this system. For the visual expression an array of techniques was used: drawings, soviet newspaper illustrations, typographies. The past in nowadays idea is realized through self-irony, confrontation of different ideologies.