Monika Klupšaitė


Vilnius Academy of Arts
Prof. Jolanta Talaikytė

There is examined the theme of incongruity and inequality in “Paradox” collection. It turns out that paradoxical facts and phenomena exist not only in science, but we face the opposites every day. For example, very often we want things we cannot get and we change our minds as soon as we get them.

This theme is being expressed through fabrics, design, assortment and visuality in the collection. The objective is to create qualitative, tendentious and conceptual women collection suitable for cold season which would be inspired by paradoxes and incongruity.

As a starting point, the classical suit model was chosen and it was able to interpret it and/or digress from it. Even though, the accessories of the collection are the opposite for composed, classical and purified clothing silhouette, yet it helps to create the completeness. The neck accessories were created by invoking organic glass, laser and particular binding technique. Two types of footwear also disclose the theme of paradox. Each collection‘s element – a purified and well-thought object of conceptual design, which when it‘s worn becomes like the „usual“ clothing and/or accessory, i.e. like all the objects that are applied for the fashion.

Photos by Audrius Solominas, make-up Gintarė Pliuskutė, model Veronika Brazinskytė.

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