Agnetė Voverė

Fashion design platform “Seivit”

Prof. Jolanta Talaikytė, Assoc. prof. Vaidutė Ščiglienė

“Seivit” is a fashion design platform and magazine representing Lithuanian fashion and accessory designers’ portfolio, creative design process and publications about fashion. The study analyzes the most important visual representation tool – fashion photography. Designers face a complex task – to narrow the creative concept of the collection into a photo campaign, and the path from the idea to the final product often remains unseen. Thus, the project aims to present fashion through a variety of visual materials, highlighting the creative design process. There is a niche for critical and analytical publications on the topic of fashion in Lithuania, therefore the platform focuses on the history of fashion and fashion design field.

Mes naudojame slapukus. Slapukai reikalingi, kad svetainė galėtų tinkamai funkcionuoti. Nuo jų priklauso funkcinis svetainės veikimas ir išvaizda.