Gaudutė Žilytė

Analysis of the autistic human world. Connections between neurotribes

Vilnius Academy of Arts
Associate professors: Doc. Mantas Lesauskas, Prof. dr. Vytautas Kibildis

When implementing policies for the inclusive education of autistic people, it is important to reevaluate the environment and the interaction between different neurotypes. This KUKUBU project has the goal of understanding autism spectrum disorder and the worldview and perspective of an autistic person. It is done through observation and interviews of individuals, as well as the virtual communities of autistic people. The KUKUBU prototype consists of wooden cubes covered with elastic fabric, designed to hide or connect into closed structures for communication – not through verbal or body language but through shared sensory experiences.

Mes naudojame slapukus. Slapukai reikalingi, kad svetainė galėtų tinkamai funkcionuoti. Nuo jų priklauso funkcinis svetainės veikimas ir išvaizda.