Additional prize

  • Lina Navickaitė

    Lina Navickaitė

    Library of Lithuanian materials: the aspects of local resources, national identity and designer produced materials Assoc. Prof: Dr. Rasa Janulevičiūtė ir prof. Juozas Brundza The object of the design is a library of materials, the elements of which consist of local resources, materials reflecting national identity and materials created by designers from local raw materials.…

  • Vytautas Vizbaras

    Vytautas Vizbaras

    Hard particle household filter “Aidas” Assoc. prof.: Dr. Jonas Žukas A hard particle household filter is a device that cleans airborne particulates in living spaces. The concept of the design is an “artefact from the future”. The idea is revealed by using organic materials and parametric design principles. The filter consists of four air filtering…

  • Dovydas Puolikas

    Dovydas Puolikas

    Attention development game for preschool children Assoc. prof. dr. Kristė Kibildytė – Klimienė This game develops three different attention functions: selection, concentration, and shifting. A child account is created in the app. The child creates their own personal Toto. After registering and indicating the child’s age, tasks of appropriate difficulty are generated. Each task (its…

  • Emilija Jasiulytė

    Emilija Jasiulytė

    “Portmantò”. The duality of security and uncertainty as an inspiration for an artist Assoc. prof. Jolanta Talaikytė “Portmantò” is about human feelings – anxiety about the unknown and the search for comfort. The collection transforms feelings into garments that become a reflection of the past, carried into the future. The name of the collection “Portmantò”…

  • Ieva Tamutytė

    Ieva Tamutytė

    Camp aesthetics: concept and expression in today‘s fashion Assoc. prof. dr. Renata Maldutienė, Dr. Aušra Trakšelytė This master’s thesis researches camp phenomenon and its expression in contemporary fashion. Camp is presented as a cultural phenomenon that is socially involved and subject to the zeitgeist, therefore, a hypothesis raised that excessive camp aesthetics can keep its…

  • Įrašas be pavadinimo 1649

    Performative identity FOCUS, ERASMUS+ youth exchange Program Prof. Aušra Lisauskienė Performative identity FOCUS is the first visual ERASMUS+ youth exchange identity of its kind, allowing participants to experience activities by directly interacting with design objects. This bachelor’s work becomes a guide for future ERASMUS + youth exchange projects, which shows the benefits of design for…

Mes naudojame slapukus. Slapukai reikalingi, kad svetainė galėtų tinkamai funkcionuoti. Nuo jų priklauso funkcinis svetainės veikimas ir išvaizda.