Main prize
Deimantė Sauserytė
Mobile application: Kaunas city guide “Discover” Assoc. prof. doc. Rita Brakauskaitė Traditional ways of learning do not always suit Generation Z. Youngsters’ needs are closely related to technologies and easily accessible information. City guide application “Discover” combines active leisure, education, and gamification. The learning process gets entertaining – the user becomes a detective, this way…
Valdemara Jasulaitytė
Creatures: between reality and simulation Assoc. prof. Lect. Dainius Bendikas, prof. Jolanta Talaikytė “Creatures” is a future vision about displaced subjects who sent their consciousness into a three-dimensional world and placed it in a simulated body. Based on this vision, the experimental clothing collection is examined through the link between reality and simulation, which constitutes…
Viktorija Stundytė
Eating experiences: table attribute design Assoc. prof. Mantas Lesauskas, Assoc. prof. Julija Mazūrienė Tableware serves as a connection between the food and the eater, which has an impact on sensory perception of food and eating behavior. Expression reflected in the shape of tableware items both contributes to the sensory perception of food and creates space…
Elena Kanarskaitė
Interactive installation “Stay in the mirror“ Assoc. prof. Marius Žalneravičius This project is a symbolic meaning of our inner world that can be reached through the state of dream. According to Yuri Lotman, “dreams are a semiotic mirror of our inner life.” The mirror as a symbol belongs to one of the oldest archetypal groups…
Milda Pakarklytė
“Life after life” Assoc. prof. Šarūnas Šlektavičius “Life after life” is a project questioning the ways of remembering the deceased today. It is a set of two objects, created using essential death and afterlife symbols: water, fire, and tree. The first one is a reusable ice candle holder tray for remembering at the cemetery. The…
Adelė Burokaitė
“Where am I?“ Assoc. prof. Dr. Renata Maldutienė The moment when you wake up from a dream, but its images are still lingering in your mind and for a moment become one with reality was the starting point of my collection. Often the urge to go back to the dream rather than to wake up…